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The Powers of Elemiah
The Power To Stop Mental Torment
When you find that you are unable to relax or recover from a problem that leaves you anxious and
preoccupied, this angel can bring relief. It can also ease pain after loss of loved one, and make it easier to get
through a bad breakup, or the loss of a job.
The Power To Discover New Methods
When we do things the same way, year after year, it is only to be expected that we will get the same results.
This angel can give you the power to discover new ways of doing things. This is best used when you already have
a method for something in place, but want to find a better way. A lawyer, for example, may use this angel to find a
new way to prepare for a case. A student might look for better ways to learn. If you work in business or sales you
might look for new methods of getting a good response from customers.
The Power To Travel Safely
Many angels protect you when travelling, but this angel is best used when you are the leader of a group or
family. It will ensure that whatever problems occur during your journey, you will be able to guide those you lead,
with all being protected until the journey is over. Complete the working on the last Sunday before your journey
The Powers of Mahasiah
The Power To Bring Peace
Using the power of this angel you can bring peace to a particular location, such as a workplace, a home or
even an entire street. When people are in conflict in a specific area, ask this angel to subdue anger and aggression
in that place.
The Power To Learn Like A Genius
Whether you’re studying for an exam, learning a new skill or simply developing your personal skills, this angel
can make you learn with the same abilities as a genius. This angel is also useful when you are learning a complex
physical skill, such as learning to drive, sail, or fly an airplane.
The Power To Overcome Disease
If you have a long term illness, this angel can help you cope with the symptoms, and some say it can help
reverse the effects of the illness. This should not be used for injuries or short term illnesses such as flu, but for
illnesses that have affected you for months and show no sign of improvement.
The Powers of Cahetel
The Power To Drive Away Evil
There are many forms of evil in the world, and most are human, but if you live or work in a place that is
plagued by evil spirits, this angel can drive them away. It will even work to protect you from demons, if somebody
has cursed you using demonic powers.
The Power To Create A Strong Voice
This is one of those powers that many people will ignore, but it remains one of the most useful. Although it has
clear use for politicians, public speakers and actors, it can be used by anybody to give their voice more presence.
This means you are more likely to be heard when you speak, and so long as you choose your words carefully, this
can make many doors open for you.
The Power To Control Growth In Nature
If you grow plants, or work with crops, this angel can help to ensure that you will get good results from your
The Powers of Aladiah
The Power To Heal Disease
To say that an angel can cure disease is a mighty claim, and one that risks giving people false hope, but
Aladiah has a reputation for helping people with bone and joint problems. If you have long-term problem that you
want to ease, or a recent injury that you want to heal, call on Aladiah to ease your suffering.
The Power To Overcome Negativity
If you are surrounded by negative people, or negative responses to your work, call on this angel. Close
relationships often succumb to excessive negativity, and this angel can ease the friction between a couple. If you
find that your own responses to the world are negative, the angel can help you to see situations with more clarity.
The Power To Understand Science
This angel is used to get a deep understanding of a scientific subject. If you are studying a complex scientific
subject, this angel can help you to understand new information and remember it with clarity. It is particularly
useful for science that has clear practical applications, such as medical science.
The Powers of Lauviah
The Power To Find True Followers
Not everybody needs a fanbase, but many people do, especially now that even cafes and parking lots have
their own online presence. If you have a public profile of any kind, and need followers or friends, this is the angel
to call upon. If you require support or votes in any kind of campaign, this angel can help. The angel works best
when you are looking for sincere followers who will help and get involved, rather than large numbers of casual
The Power To Overcome Enemies
This angel can overcome many enemies, but is best suited at calming the jealous. If somebody you know is
damaging your life through jealously, call on this angel to calm the situation. Rather than punishing your enemy or
putting fear in their heart, this angel works by making the other person less jealous of you. They may even lose
interest in your affairs completely.
The Power To Find Fame Through Talent
If you have a talent that is recognized by a small group, but you struggle to achieve wider recognition, call on
this angel. It’s important that your talent has already been acknowledged by a few people (other than friends or
family) before you call on the angel. This is ideal for a struggling writer, for example, who has published a few
stories but remains relatively unknown. It is best used when you are about to launch a new project into the world,
but it can be used at any time to help increase your chances of being recognized more widely.
The Power To Influence The Famous
If you ever need to influence somebody of great fame or renown, call on this angel. Lauviah can influence the
thoughts and actions of those who are well known. This doesn’t just apply to movie stars – you can use this angel
to influence politicians, leaders of companies and other public figures. You should only use this angel when you
have already established some form of contact with the person in question.
The Powers of Hahaiah
The Power To Overcome Adversity
Some angels help you endure adversity, but this angel helps you stop it. When you are faced with an adverse
situation, the angel can help you to escape from it, or bring it to a halt, and you should make it clear which option
you prefer when writing your request. If, for example, you are experiencing stress at work, you should make it
clear that you want the stress to be relieved, not that you want to leave your job. Unless you do want to leave your
job. This angel has immense power, and can be used against all kinds of adversity, from a difficult divorce to
difficult legal problems.
The Power To Make Enemies Into Friends
There are some people that you cannot remove from your life, but who make you miserable. Whether they
attack you directly or not, if such people make you miserable, you can call on this angel to make them friendlier.
The Power To Find Mystical Answers In Dreams
When you want the answer to a question, call on this angel to give you prophetic dreams. You can seek
answers about your future, your self, your true nature and desires, or the best path to take.
The Powers of Mebahel
The Power To Save A Just Cause
If you are fighting a cause that you believe to be just – whether it is a public protest or a campaign to raise
funds – call on this angel when it feels like defeat is near. The angel will give new energy and impetus to your
The Power To Avoid Injustice During A Trial
If you need to avoid injustice during court proceedings, call on this angel. If you are guilty in any way, do not
call on this angel, because it will ensure justice is done.
The Power To Reveal Enemies
Knowing your enemy can be the key to defeating them. If you sense that you are being attacked, slandered or
undermined, call on this angel to reveal those who are against you. Your enemy may be revealed through dream,
intuition, or when your enemy makes a clear declaration, or even by forcing your enemy to make a revealing error.
The Powers of Hariel
The Power To Bring Peace To Your Home
This angel works best to make your home peaceful when the disruption comes from within the home (rather
than due to troublesome neighbors). If there are ongoing arguments, disputes and fights within your home, or just a
bad atmosphere, this is the angel you should call on to bring peace.
The Power To Improve Magickal Power
Hariel can increase the energy you put into all your magickal workings. You should call on the angel to
improve your magickal power generally, and watch your abilities increase over the coming year.
The Power To Discover A Peaceful Pathway
We are constantly facing choices about which way to go with our lives. Sometimes you want success and
money at any cost. At other times, all you want is peace. If you are seeking a period of time where life is more
peaceful, without it actually wrecking your career or reputation, ask this angel to show you the way. You may
discover new opportunities or simply get an intuition about how best to proceed.
The Powers of Hakamiah
The Power To Stop Traitors
Wherever you work closely with other people, there is the potential for betrayal. This can occur within an
organization, a group of friends or in business. If you suspect that a traitor is in your midst, this angel will reveal
the truth. The traitor may do something that reveals the truth, or you may get a strong intuition, or a message in a
dream that reveals how this person is undermining your life.
The Power To Stop Oppressors
If somebody is holding you back, or oppressing your ability to express the life you want to lead, this angel can
take that person’s power away. This angel can be used in domestic situations, or in large scale corporations,
against individuals or large groups of people.
The Power To Acquire Dignity and Prosperity
Any angel that promises prosperity is hugely appealing to magickal workers, but be aware that this angel
works by bringing prosperity through improved dignity. In other words, the angel will make you appear more
dignified and appealing to people, so that you are more likely to be hired, be awarded a position or have your
business become more popular. For this angel to work, you must be somebody who interacts with people in the
place where you make money. It is ideal for everybody from retail workers and laborers to people who speak to
large groups, but is not ideal for people who work remotely, such as those who run an online business.
The Powers of Lauviah
The Power To Create Music
This angel helps musicians to create their own compositions. You may find that you discover new ways of
composing music, or it could be that your skills and intuition combine so that you make greater creative choices.
The Power To Perform Music
Whether you perform music for pleasure or profit, this angel can ensure that you give an inspired performance.
It can be used by performers recording in a studio, but the most dramatic effects are seen when used for live
The Power To Overcome Sorrow and Torment
If you are struggling to get over a particular sadness, or if you are plagued by a memory that refuses to go
away, call on this angel to ease your anguish.
The Power To Invent and Design With Genius
Whether you’re designing buildings, apps or book covers, this angel can give you the inspiration to create in a
new way. The angel works most effectively if you already have some competence or skill in an area of invention,
and pushes you to create, invent and design like a genius.
The Powers of Caliel
The Power To Avoid Enemies
There are times when you want to defeat or overcome an enemy, and other times when it is wiser to work in
the background, out of sight, so that you can overcome the enemy at a later time. If you need this power, Caliel can
make sure you do not encounter your enemies while you make your plans. This works even if you are unsure who
your enemies are.
The Power To Become Less Visible
Sometimes you want to lie low, and not be noticed by others. If you feel the need to disappear from the world
for a while, call on this angel to make you less visible. This works on a physical level (so people will not see you
clearly), and prevents people from thinking about you or remembering you. Tell the angel how long you want the
effect to last. If you change your mind and want it to end sooner, perform the ritual for one day (on any day), but
change your request, asking the angel to reverse your request.
The Power To Confuse Enemies
This power works best against those who say false things about you, or people who try to distract you from
your life and work. When your enemies think about you, they will experience confusion, making them unwilling to
fight you, and making it easier for you to defeat them.
The Powers of Leuviah
The Power To Generate Love In Another
This angel can make a person that likes you love you, but this is not an angel of seduction; this magick only
works when there is potential for love. If you feel love for somebody, this angel helps the person you desire sense
your love. When there is any potential for a relationship, this effect of sensing your love can move the person to
feel more love for you.
The Power To Be Loved By Friends And Enemies
If you feel that your friends are lukewarm toward you, or take you for granted, call on this angel to gain their
love. The angel will not make friends love you more than they did before, but it will make them remember and feel
the love they have for you. When used on enemies, it will cause the other person to be confused by the change in
their feelings.
The Power To Make Good Decisions
This probably doesn’t sound like a spectacular power, but it is one of the most important in the book. We make
thousands of small decisions every day, but sometimes we are faced with difficult choices. When you are
struggling to decide on the next course of action, this angel can help you to sense your own true will and get a
sense for how the future will manifest.
The Power To Obtain Good Memory and Intelligence
For anybody struggling with memory, this angel is an excellent way to recover your faculties. This angel is
also good when you are learning a new subject. It is good at creating long-term understanding, so it should be used
when you are learning rather than at the last minute before an exam.
The Powers of Pahaliah
The Power To Find Balance
How often do we hear people saying that they have no balance in their life. Usually this is because people are
overworked and not able to spend enough time with family, but it can also occur for other reasons. If you feel that
your life lacks balance, and you want to discover a long-term solution call on this angel to open up new
opportunities that will bring more balance into your life.
The Power To Experience Joy
Even when things are going well you may find that you feel down or unimpressed with the world. If you want
to enjoy the life you are already living, and throw off your doubts and fears, this angel will help you to live in the
The Power to Find A Spiritual Path
When magick begins to work, you may find yourself wondering whether or not you deserve these results. This
is a common reaction, and many people stop working magick after a few positive results, because they feel they
have an unfair advantage. An alternative solution is to know that magick is part of your spiritual journey. Call on
this angel to give you insights into where you should go from here.
The Powers of Nelekael
The Power To Stop Slander
Gossip can be harmless but when it turns to slander, the effects on your life can be extremely negative. This
angel can stop slander, even if you’re not sure who is telling stories about you. In legal terms, slander refers to
people telling untruths about you, but this angel will also stop people from repeating true stories about you if they
are damaging to your reputation.
The Power To Subdue Negativity
If you are feeling negative about life in general, or a specific area of your life, this angel will work to ease
your negative thoughts. Sometimes, negative thoughts are beneficial as they help you to make reasoned judgments.
When negativity becomes habitual, though, it can lead to you missing opportunities. The angel works by
brightening your mood, and can even remove the cause of your negative mood, whether you know what the cause is
or not.
The Power To Make Calculations
If you ever work with numbers, this angel can make you an expert. Pilots, engineers and scientists will find it
easier to make accurate mental calculations using the power of this angel. If you are a student who struggles with
math, the angel can make your work easier. Call on this angel for eleven days, and the effects can last for many
The Powers of Melahel
The Power To Travel Safely
Many angels give you the power to travel safely, but this one is especially useful if you are travelling through
an area with many weapons. This can be used by soldiers and civilians travelling in war zones.
The Power To Defend Against Weapons
This power is similar to that above, but is aimed specifically at people who are in danger from weapons when
they are not travelling. This is more useful if you live or work in an area where weapons are carried, or where
weapons are commonly being used illegally.
To Heal Illness and Injury
This angel can heal illness and injury, so long as you have the energy to perform the ritual. It is not useful when
you are bedridden or weak. If you have an illness or injury that irritates you, or makes life difficult, this angel can
ease your distress. The best results come when the illness or injury was acquired within recent weeks.
The Powers of Hahuiah
The Power To Repel Thieves
Whether you want to protect your home from burglary, yourself from being mugged or your business from
thieves, this angel can bring you the protection you need. Call on the angel for eleven days, and the effects last for
over a year.
The Power To Repel Pests
This is a power that I thought might be irrelevant in the modern world, until a friend reported a rat problem to
me a few years ago. The building where she lived was infested with rats. Despite the fact that the people who
owned the building should have dealt with the rats, they didn’t do an effective job. By calling on this angel, the
building was freed of rats. If there are pests in the area, this angel can protect your house before they get in. If your
house is infested, use modern methods first, but if those methods fail, call on this angel to be free of any pest.
The Power To Develop Magick
This power will help you to work out what magick to use to get the result you want. If you know the end result
you want, tell the angel and ask for understanding of the magick you will need to use. As you read and study
magick, it will become clear to you what methods you should use. You will also get an idea of when to use the
particular rituals and techniques, and in what order. This is useful when you have a complex, long-term goal that
needs a many-pronged magickal approach.
The Powers of Haaiah
The Power To Get a Fair Judgment
This angel won’t get you out of trouble if you’re guilty, but if you want a fair judgment in any matter, this is a
powerful angel to have on your side. It can work in legal cases, but also if you’re ever being judged in a work
environment or even a competition for an award.
The Power To Obtain Wealth Through Knowledge
For people who work in industries such as trading stocks, or investing, this is the angel of choice as it can
reveal knowledge that is not widely known, through intuition.
The Power To Arrange Trade Agreements
If you work in an industry that requires trade agreements, this angel will help. You might work in a market, and
be looking for a good deal from a wholesaler, or you might work in a large corporation that’s seeking to make
good overseas deals. Wherever agreements need to be made about trade, this angel will bring you excellent
The Power To Make Political Agreements
You don’t have to be a politician to benefit from this angel, although many politicians do. This power can also
be used in any situation that could be considered ‘political’. If you’re ever discussing matters with a committee, a
board of directors, or any other group, this angel can help you to get the group to make decisions that are in
accordance with your will.
The Powers of Yerathel
The Power To Write Well
The power of this angel is useful when writing essays for school, blog posts or books. It ensures that you write
in a way that communicates your ideas with flair and precision. You can ask the angel to improve your writing
skills generally, or aim the working at a specific project.
The Power To Find Fame Through Writing
If you find that you are able to write well, this angel can make your work more popular. If you are looking for
an agent or publisher, this is not the best angel to use. This angel works best when there is already an outlet for
your writing in place. Whether that is a blog, ebook or a traditional print book that’s sold in the major bookshops,
this angel will help make your writing more popular.
The Power To Spread Knowledge
If you want to spread knowledge, through writing, this angel will make your work easier. You may be
launching a local protest, spreading news about a product, or even advertising your own services. So long as the
knowledge you are sharing is true – as far as you know – this angel will help find outlets for your writing.
The Powers of Seeiah
The Power To Protect Against Disease
If there is an outbreak of disease where you live, or if you work in a hospital (or similar location) this angel
can provide excellent protection against infection.
The Power To Maintain Health
People who practice gratitude notice their health on a daily basis, but many people say they only appreciate
their health when they get sick. Preventative medicine is often the best medicine, so I recommend calling on this
angel to maintain your health every few years. Only make this request when you feel in good health.
The Power To Protect Against Adverse Forces
This power is aimed at protecting you from natural disasters and other events that occur seemingly at random,
rather than protecting you from conditions caused by enemies. Calling on an angel will not prevent a natural
disaster, but it can help you weather the storm. This power is used by people who live in earthquake zones or
areas that suffer from cyclones and flooding, to reduce the adversity experienced during those events. It is best to
use this as a preventative measure, because performing an 11-day ritual when there’s a nearby forest fire isn’t
much use. Once you’ve performed the ritual for prevention, however, you can call on the angel directly in an
emergency. Simply gaze at the sigil, call for the angel and ask for protection – it only takes a moment to do so.
(Only take the time to do this if it is genuinely safe to do so. If it’s wiser to get in your car and escape, do that
rather than the ritual.) If you live in an area that is prone to these disasters, perform the full ritual once every three
The Powers of Reiyel
The Power To Protect Against Hidden Enemies
Some enemies go to great lengths to disguise themselves. If you feel that you are being attacked by an unknown
person or group, call on this angel to protect you from their actions.
The Power To Discover Secret Information
There are times when you need to know information that is hidden. This angel can reveal the plans of
competitors, the secret thoughts of those close to you, and any other secret information that you feel would be
valuable. In some cases the information will appear, out of the blue, or you will stumble across it. In other cases
you may receive a message in a dream, or get a strong intuition that guides you to know the secret.
The Powers of Vasariah
The Power To Protect Against The Unfair
There may be people in your life who treat you unfairly, but it is not practical or desirable to move them out of
your life. Whether this is somebody you love, or somebody you merely tolerate due to circumstances, you can call
on this angel to protect you against the actions of the unfair person.
The Power To Empower Artists
If you are involved in the arts, this angel can empower your life. The angel will work to improve your skills,
but will also work to ensure that you are in control of your artistic career, rather than being controlled by others.
When you are seeking to network, form good business connections and get your work recognized, it is good to
have this angel on your side to ensure that you remain in control of your creative work.
The Powers of Lehahiah
The Power To Halt Anger
When you have to spend time around an angry person, this angel can be called to reduce that person’s anger.
This is useful in difficult situations, such as a divorce, or when people are being pushed to extremes by difficult
circumstances. It should not be seen as a cure for anger, however. If the person you are dealing with is naturally
angry, this angel will only subdue them for a few weeks at a time. If you suffer from angry outbursts yourself, call
on the angel to reduce your temper, and the results can last for many years.
The Power To Inspire Faithfulness
When you are concerned that your partner may be unfaithful, or is considering being unfaithful, this angel can
remind them of their true feelings. If your partner still loves you, then temptation will be removed and the
disloyalty will come to an end. If you are feeling a temptation to be disloyal, but still want to be faithful, you can
call on the angel to inspire loyalty in yourself. This can help you resist temptation while you work on your
The Powers of Chavakiah
The Power To Ensure A Good Inheritance
This angel can be called upon to ensure that you receive a good inheritance. This will not produce an
inheritance out of the blue, but if you are expecting and entitled to an inheritance, it will ensure that you are given a
generous share. Although this may seem like a greedy and selfish power, it is used by the wise to ensure that they
are not tricked out of an inheritance. In many families there are people who try to get wills made out in their favor.
This angel can prevent any injustice being done to you. It is best performed when you know a will is being
prepared. If a will has already been prepared, you can still perform the magick and the angel can inspire a change
to be made to the will.
The Power To Bring Peace To A Family
Families should be loving but are often at war. When these arguments get out of control, family members can
estrange themselves and become enemies for life. Before it gets to that point, call on this angel to bring peace. If
your family has already suffered great disruption, you can call on the angel to heal and reunite the family.
The Power To Ensure Friendly Sharing
When anything is being divided between a group of people, this angel can ensure that you get a generous share.
This can be useful if somebody you know is planning to share wealth, winnings, property or anything else of value.
Although these circumstances are rare, when they come about it is good to know that this angel will work miracles
to ensure you are seen as a worthy recipient.
The Powers of Menadel
The Power To Keep A Job
Make sure you genuinely want to keep your job before calling on this angel. If your job is under threat, or if
you are facing difficult circumstances, then job security is something you will crave. This power should not be
used casually, though, because it may prevent you from being promoted or getting a better job. When you call on
the angel, your request should make it clear that you want to keep your job for a set length of time. If you change
your mind when another opportunity comes up, call the angel again, just once, and ask for the job protection to be
removed. If the set length of time runs out, and you still fear for your job, you will need to repeat the ritual from
another 11 days. An ideal way to work this is to ask the angel for a year of protection. That way, you can cancel
the angel’s power if there’s a new opportunity, and you don’t have to repeat the ritual too often.
The Power To Maintain A Career
This angel can help you to maintain your current level of career success. If you are afraid that your career
could suffer, or that financial losses are around the corner, this angel can help you to get through difficult times. Be
aware, however, that the angel will not encourage great growth in your career during this period of protection. As
such, you should only use it when you fear there is a risk to your career. If new opportunities arise, and you see a
potential for growth, you can cancel the protection by calling the angel once, and asking for the protection to be
The Powers of Aniel
The Power To Create Good Fiction
There are many angels that help with good writing, but this angel is the one you call when you want to write
good fiction. You can ask for a general improvement in your story-writing ability, or aim the magick at a specific
The Power To Create Art and Music
This angel gives you inspiration but also helps you find the opportunities that will enable your art to be shared
and seen. This angel does not always ensure that you will make money from your increased popularity, but it will
ensure that you work creatively and get your work seen. This is especially useful at an early point in your creative
The Power To Make Wise People Communicate
This sounds like quite an obscure power, but you may find there are occasions in your life when you need other
people to communicate in order to get a result that suits you. Imagine, for example, that you are a writer and you
want your agent to talk to a particular publisher. This angel could help to get the two parties talking. Although this
seems like a power that may not be required often, it is one that I have used extensively and has helped me in many
situations. Communication is the key to successful business, and yet even the wise will often shy away from
communication with certain people. When you want a communication breakthrough, this is the power to call.
The Powers of Haamiah
The Power To Improve Wisdom
It’s never a bad idea to improve your wisdom, but you may feel compelled to call on this angel if you are
repeatedly making bad decisions. Haamiah will help to make you think wisely and consider all options, so that you
make fewer bad decisions. Some people only need to perform this ritual once in a lifetime to feel a significant
change in their level of wisdom, but others repeat it every few years.
The Power To Improve Physical Health
When you are trying to improve your fitness or health, use this angel to support you. The angel will not
increase your willpower, so it’s up to you to put in the effort, but if you are dieting, exercising or working on any
aspect of your health you can expect better results with the help of this angel.
The Powers of Rehael
The Power To Cure An Illness
When an illness has come on suddenly, this angel can help you to recover more rapidly than usual. If you have
the energy to perform this ritual for yourself, it will work well and will increase your energy levels, but you may
find you use it more often for somebody else, because performing any magick when you are ill can be difficult. It
works best on relatively minor and short-term illnesses, rather than life-threatening diseases.
The Power To Regenerate Energy
When you are exhausted or burnt out, it can be almost impossible to recover, because you never get the time or
space to recover. This angel works in two ways. Firstly, it bends time so that you are able to get extra benefit from
even short rest periods. Secondly, it will boost your energy levels, making recovery faster.
The Power To Obtain The Love of a Parent
There are many people who feel they are not loved by their parent. Often, this is a misperception, but in many
cases it is the truth. If you feel that a parent judges you, looks down on you or sees you in a negative way, you can
call on this angel’s power. The angel will remind your parent of an extremely deep love, and you will notice rapid
changes in your relationship.
The Powers of Yeiazel
The Power To Free Somebody From Enemies
This power is useful when you want to free another person from a situation where they are being bullied,
persecuted or otherwise oppressed.
The Power To Improve Psychic Ability
Calling on this angel can help you to improve your overall intuition. If you are actively trying to enhance or
develop psychic abilities, the angel will assist. If you are working with various magickal entities, and wish to
make more direct contact, Yeiazel can help you become more aware of responses from other spirits.
The Power To Get Writing Published
There are many places to get your writing published in the modern world, without having to go through the
‘gatekeepers’ of the publishing industry, but many people would like to see their work published by a famous
newspaper or book publisher. If you write for this sort of market, this angel can help open that pathway to
The Powers of Hahahel
The Power To Stop Enemies
This power is used not only to stop enemies from harming you, but from having power over others. When you
want to bring a cruel person to a halt, and prevent them from bullying and harassing yourself and others, this angel
will make that person lack the strength of will to attack.
The Power To Strengthen Inner Nature
If you find that you feel distant from yourself, or that you lack inner strength, or feel ashamed of who you are,
call on this angel. You will gain more self-esteem, more self-respect and the strength to express your personality
without a sense of shame.
The Powers of Mikael
The Power To Help Politicians
If you work in politics, you can call on this angel for help with any aspect of your work. This angel can also be
used by a politician’s supporters and campaigners, to increase popularity or get a message across.
The Power To Influence Politicians
When you need a politician on your side, or want to change a politician’s opinion to aid your cause, call on
this angel. You are unlikely to change a politician’s core beliefs, but you can make them more open-minded about
subjects that matter to you.
The Power To Influence The Powerful
This angel will give you the power to influence the thoughts, feelings and decisions of anybody who has more
power than you in a given situation. The key word here is ‘influence’. You are not taking complete control of
another person’s will, but influencing their thoughts and feelings to bend their decisions in the direction of your
The Powers of Yelahiah
The Power To Ease The Mind
At the end of a long project, or when you have worried about something for a long time, this angel can ease
your mental anguish. This angel is also useful for reducing anxiety in social situations, and can be used by people
who suffer from social anxiety to obtain a calm confidence.
The Power To Manifest Objects
If there is a material object you desire greatly, you can call on this angel to lead you to that object. If you are
looking to buy a car, the angel will guide you to the best possible car at the best price. If you want a house, in a
good area, you will be guided to find the best house. You will still have to pay for these material objects (so be
grateful there is plenty of money magick in the world), but this remains an extremely effective power. When you
are seeking to manifest something physical with the best conditions for the fairest price, this angel brings fast
The Power To Improve Business Matters
When your business needs to change for the better, call on this angel for guidance, and to support the efforts
you make to improve your business. The angel is particularly effective at getting you a better deal, a better price or
better conditions when dealing with others.
The Powers of Sealiah
The Power To Uncover A Curse
If you suspect that you have been cursed, this angel will reveal details of the curse, while rendering the curse
ineffective. At the same time, the person who has cursed you will become aware of your power and afraid to curse
you again. You will feel the curse begin to lift soon after starting the ritual, and then you will experience moments
of intuition and fragments of dream that let you know where the curse came from.
The Power To Recover Your Rights
If you feel that your rights have been taken away from you, in any situation, this angel can get them back for
you. This works in legal situations, but even in areas such as the ‘rights’ you have within your family or at work.
The Power To Improve Education
This angel will find ways to give you access to better education, and make you more receptive to learning. If
you need to develop yourself and your education, before taking the next step in your career, call on this angel. If
you want more education, but are uncertain of what form of study suits you, this angel can guide you to choose the
right subject, course and even the best place to study.
The Powers of Asaliah
The Power To Create Love
While some angels can open hearts and expand love, this angel can create love where there is none. This does
not work if you are merely attracted to somebody, but if you love somebody and they do not love you in return, this
angel can stir feelings in their heart. This angel can also be used in a relationship where you feel that the other
person is afraid of loving you or unwilling to make a commitment. This angel will not pull anybody away from
their true will, but will gladly generate new feelings to assist in your loving ventures, so long as your feelings are
completely sincere.
The Power To See The Past, Present and Future
You can call on this angel to uncover lost memories, to see the present more clearly and to get an idea of what
is coming in the future. Your requests can be general or extremely specific and limited to a particular subject. You
may see a series of signs or omens that hint at the future, but you should also experience brief flashes of memory,
images of the future and a growing sense of your current reality. Many answers will come to you in dreams.
The Power To Discover More About Your Self
Some of the greatest powers in this book are the ones that can be overlooked. It’s easy to spend decades in the
wrong career, with the wrong partner, doing things that make you unhappy, because momentum carries you along
and denies you self-knowledge. Calling on this angel will give you a deep insight into who you really are and what
you really want. The discoveries may be quite a revelation, so be prepared to experience transformation.
The Powers of Mihael
The Power To Create Peace In A Marriage
Marriages, or other long-term relationships, can easily fall into patterns of bickering, blaming and arguing that
conceal genuine love. This angel will remove the petty barriers that create friction in your relationship, and let you
both experience love. The angel can even help when a relationship has become filled with spite and anger.
The Power To Excite Physical Love
When there is already some love present in a relationship, this angel can help to take things to a much more
exciting physical level. It can bring more pleasure to both parties. If you want increased passion and sensuality,
this angel will help introduce a heartfelt lust that gives you the opportunity to express your love physically.
The Powers of Vehuel
The Power To Know Another’s Thoughts
When you want to know what somebody thinks about a particular situation, this angel can help you to know
their thoughts. This works when you know the person in question and see them on a regular basis. The angel gives
you the power to see through their words and sense the truth behind their words. You may also get flashes of
insight into their deeper thoughts and feelings on the subject.
The Power To Calm An Aggressive Situation
This angel works most effectively when aimed at one specific aggressive situation. If, for example, you have
an ongoing problem with an aggressive neighbor, the angel will subdue that person. If there is one house on your
street that attracts trouble and lawlessness, the angel can remove those people from your life or calm them down.
Wherever you experience regular aggression, the angel can bring calm.
The Power To Make Somebody Humble
If you live or work with somebody who has a huge ego it can affect your mood and the quality of your work
and relationship. This angel can make an egotistical person humble.
The Power To Dominate Strong Personalities
Strong personalities are a good thing, and if you want to thrive in life you will probably need to be surrounded
by people with strong personalities at times. There will be occasions, though, where you need to influence these
people, and influencing somebody who is very sure of themselves can be difficult. Call on this angel to give you
the power to dominate somebody with a strong personality, so that they hear you, respond to you and are willing to
let you take the lead in a situation.
The Powers of Hahasiah
The Power To Handle Complex Projects
When you take on a complex project, there is a risk of being overwhelmed. Call on this angel to give you the
confidence and clarity of mind to handle a situation that challenges you. The greatest power of this angel is to help
you hold the whole project in your mind clearly. This is why it is useful to novelists, architects, managers,
wedding planners or anybody who needs to remember a thousand details at one time. If you are ever faced with a
task that seems more complex than you can handle, trust that this angel will help you through to the end.
The Power To Improve Clarity of Thought
Whatever you are working on, this angel can help bring greater clarity to your thoughts. If you find that you are
feeling muddled, confused or overwhelmed, this angel will help you see the whole situation so that you can make
better judgments about how to make decisions.
The Powers of Imamiah
The Power To Weaken An Enemy
When you know that you are being attacked by somebody, directly or subtly, this angel will gladly weaken your
enemy. Some angels can stop an enemy in their tracks, so why would you want to weaken an enemy? Sometimes, it
is better if other people witness you getting the better of an enemy. If you are being bullied in the workplace and
the bully just leaves, people may think of you as weak (even though the bullying was never your problem). If you
weaken your enemy, people will see that you have overcome the obstacle and will respect you more. The other
time to use this angel is when you are being attacked by a particularly vicious or fearsome enemy – use this angel
to first weaken your enemy, and then use other angels to bring about the enemy’s defeat.
The Power To Research Well
We have so much access to information that it is difficult to research well. To learn a new skill, to understand
your business or to develop your career, you need to research constantly. Call on this angel to give you the power
to research well, and your research abilities will be more focused and creative for many years.
The Powers of Nithael
The Power To Bring Stability
When there is chaos in any area of your life, this angel can bring stability. You can even use this angel in
advance, when you suspect that a coming situation may be chaotic, to ensure that it remains stable.
The Power To Bring Fame to Artists And Writers
This angel can help to bring recognition to your artistic work, even in the early stages of your career. When
you put your work out there, call on this angel to assist you in being found, recognized and appreciated.
The Powers of Mebahiah
The Power To Win Awards
This angel will not help you win the lottery or other games of chance, but if you are ever trying to win an
award on merit, this angel can have astonishing results. I have seen this angel used by poets, filmmakers, artists,
and singers to ensure that they get nominated for awards and then go on to win them.
The Power To Help Another
All the angelic powers in this book can be used to help others, but this power enables you to offer a gift to
somebody you love or care about. It is not used to solve problems, but to give that person something that will make
them happier. Leave it to the angel to decide what that person will receive. This power is useful when you feel that
you owe a debt to somebody but have no way to pay them directly.
The Powers of Nemamiah
The Power To Improve Prosperity
When your earnings start to increase, call on this angel to keep up your financial momentum. This is not an
angel to call on when you are in poverty, but when you find that your circumstances have started to improve, this
angel will ensure that money flows into your life to create a steady improvement in your overall prosperity.
The Power To Ease Anxiety
Many angels can ease the mind, but this angel works best when there is a particular concern that is making you
anxious. If you are worried about an upcoming audition, interview, public appearance or any other occasion, call
on this angel. If you don’t have time to complete the ritual before the occasion in question, that doesn’t matter –
begin the ritual on a Thursday and you will feel your anxiety ease immediately. If the event passes before you have
completed eleven days, make sure you continue with the ritual to the final Sunday even when the event has passed,
but instead of making a request simply thank the angel.
The Powers of Yeialel
The Power To Heal Sorrow
When you have an emotional pain that lingers, especially if it is caused by the loss of a loved one, this angel
can heal your sorrow. If you suffer from regret, this angel can help you to move on and focus on the present and the
The Power To Work With Metal
This is quite an obscure power that may not be of use to most readers, but this angel is loved by those who
trade in metal ores, or anybody who crafts metallic jewelry. The angel is able to ensure you obtain metals at good
prices, and for those who work directly with metal it ensures that your work is skillful. The angel has been used by
mechanics to improve their metal working skills.
The Powers of Harahel
The Power To Improve Fertility
Health magick of any kind runs the risk of offering false hope, but many angels have been employed to assist
with fertility for countless years. As with all things medical, you should seek conventional help before turning to
magick, but if you want to add magickal power to your efforts, this is the angel to call.
The Power To Influence Business People
There are many reasons you may wish to influence somebody who works in business. If you work in business,
there are competitors and allies you could influence. Your living space may be affected by noise or other
disruptions from a local business, and the best way to influence somebody to change their ways may be with
magick. There are countless creative ways to use this power, to make more money or just make the peace.
The Power To Influence The Press
Whether you a trying to hide a story, get facts corrected, or get the press to give you some publicity, the ability
to influence the press should never be underestimated. In the modern world, the press refers to blogs, websites and
all other spaces where professionals write – as well as traditional print newspapers. This angel works best when
you are trying to influence professional writers, rather than amateurs.
The Powers of Mitzrael
The Power To Be Free of Bullies
It’s often difficult to tell when you are being bullied, and at other times it is obvious. If you feel that somebody
is treating you unfairly and trying to control you, through threats, insults or more subtle bullying, this angel can free
you from that bully. Be aware that this angel tends to remove bullies from your life, so if you simply want to
subdue or calm a bully you may want to call on a different angel. Mitzrael will find ways to get bullies to move
away from you, so they are no longer a concern.
The Power To Heal an Uneasy Spirit
If you find yourself feeling anxious for no obvious reason, or disappointed when things are going well, you can
call on this angel to lift your spirit. If a coming task seems overwhelming, this angel can also help to prepare you
for what’s ahead.
The Power To Improve Your Loyalty To Another
Even in good relationships it may happen that you meet somebody who stirs your interest, and tempts you away
from your current partner. This angel will help to keep you focused on the love you have for your current partner.
The Powers of Damabiah
The Power To Bring Business Success
This angel will not make a bad business thrive, but if you are making efforts to start a business or improve an
existing business, do not miss the opportunities provided by Damabiah. This angel being success by guiding your
actions and uncovering opportunities that you may not have seen, helping you make wise decisions that get your
business to thrive.
The Power To Uncover Business Ideas
If you are already in business, you may be seeking a new direction, or you may be looking to start a new
business. If you need ideas to set your business aside from the competition, this angel will help. You will find that
new ideas come to you more easily, and you will get a better sense of an idea’s long-term potential. Without new
ideas, business dies, so this is an extremely potent angelic power.
The Powers of Manakel
The Power To Find Lost Items
This angel can recover items thought to be lost, in seemingly miraculous ways. When calling on this angel,
somebody else may bring the lost item to you, but it may also be up to you to find what has gone missing. Trust
your intuition, and if you get any hunches, follow them. Once the item is found, you should still continue the ritual
for the required number of days, but instead of asking for the item to be found, simply replace your request with
thanks to the angel.
The Power To Obtain Clear Thought
When your mind is feeling confused or slow, when you are overwhelmed with options, call on this angel to
clear your thoughts. The angel can be used simply to reset your normal state of mind after an ordeal, or to keep
your thoughts clear during a stressful or demanding time.
The Power To Sleep Well
If you do not sleep well, call on this angel to help. Your sleep may improve immediately, or you may get
nudges from your intuition, suggesting changes you can make that would aid your sleep. If you experience
nightmares, this angel can bring them to a stop.
The Powers of Eiael
The Power To Increase Fame
When you already have some degree of fame, this angel can increase your fame dramatically. You do not need
to be famous in the sense of a celebrity. So long as you are well-known within certain circles, you can use this
angel. Many public speakers, performers, writers and others use this angel to increase the number of people who
know about them. Note that this angel works to increase fame by making you more well known, but it will not
necessarily make you more liked. Consider this when wording your request, and phrase it carefully, to ensure you
get positive fame rather than notoriety. Unless notoriety is what you want.
The Power To Stay Strong During Adversity
There are some situations we simply can’t prevent. When a relative or friend is dying of incurable disease,
when we are forced to move home, when a relationship breaks down beyond repair – this is when you call on
Eiael. If you are faced with unavoidable adversity, this angel will give you the strength to get through the coming
weeks and months without being damaged or exhausted.
The Power To Break Free When Stuck
There are many times when people say they feel ‘stuck’, because their life or relationships are not developing
as hoped, or because they simply don’t know what to do next. In magickal terms, you want to ‘open the road’. This
means that you call on the angel to reveal a variety of new possibilities so that you can break free from feeling
The Powers of Habuhiah
The Power To Recover From Disease
Although you can use this angel when you are unwell, the best results come when you have already begun to
recover. When a long recovery is expected, this angel will speed up the recovery considerably.
The Power To Increase Love
This angel can increase feelings of genuine love. You should not use this to generate passion or exciting love,
but to increase warm, ongoing love within a family, or in a relationship. It is best to use this angel when there is
already love there, but you want the love to increase. This can help relationships to last, and families to be
peaceful. It can also be used within strained friendships, to ensure that each party remembers the love they have
for one another.
The Powers of Jabamiah
The Power To Recover
There are times when you may feel you need a break from life, but you don’t have the time or space to recover.
Call on this angel. Sometimes the angel will respond by creating a space in your life for you to recover, and at
others times it will simply give you more strength to recover from within.
The Power To Find Inner Harmony
People sometimes seek inner harmony when everything is falling apart around them. Others seek inner harmony
when everything they desire is falling into place, because they recognize this is also a time to appreciate and enjoy
the results that have been obtained. This angel can bring you inner harmony, which means you will find peace and
stability in your emotions, whatever is happening in the world around you.