If today was your last day, how would you act? We spend our life’s complaining about the things around us. Like complaining will actually change things. We complain about our jobs when there are people that are doing everything they can just to get a job. We complain about our kids when somewhere there is someone’s child dying in a hospital. We complain about the house we live in when there is someone living in a box.
When we complain, we not only lower our energy but the energy of the people around us. I will admit this is a hard lesson to learn for me. When we complain, we attract more of what we complain about. If you find a reason to complain, you will.
I realize that in today’s world, this is an easy thing to do. But I highly suggest that you live a mindful life of knowing why you do the things that you do. You have no idea what just putting a simple message of complaining on Facebook does to the people that read it. They do not deserve the misery that you give to yourself. I for one will block you.
I suggest you do that to others as well. As far as being able to understand your feelings, I suggest setting alerts on your phone every hour to ask you how you feel and genuinely answer that question. If you have to, put sticky notes around where you sit to remind you to be mindful. When something happens that would typically annoy you, just remember the saying that complaining will do nothing for you.🔥🔥♥️♥️