I have been there several times. Keep in mind that toxic does not have to mean they are mean and angry. Toxic is a person that has stored pain in their subconscious. It leaks out like lava and sometimes erupts.
I have learned the skill of being psychic. That led me to follow the path into a person’s subconscious. By the way. I am nothing special. I just learned how to do it.
I have NEVER felt an evil soul. Just people in pain. You have to understand. Their soul crys out to feel love, but their ego will not let them feel. They did not do you wrong…. YOU ALLOWED IT!!! There is no blame here. There are just lessons.
But beware, the lava they spew out is thick and hot. It will cover you. No matter how much you try to raise your vibration, it will bring you back down. You need to bid them adieu, clean the remaining fragments off you and anything that has found it’s way into your subconscious.
Do NOT keep anger and emotion for them. See them as they are…. Souls in pain. Pain covered by ego. Feel love and sorrow for them. Unfortunately, it will destroy them. And understand this, if they keep trying to attack…. You have every right to defend yourself and fire both barrels at them until they are destroyed or leave you alone FEEL YOUR POWER 🔥🔥☀️☀️