Who can truly judge? Is one person right and one person wrong? Can you even judge yourself? Are you right or wrong. Who made the rules? Is there even such a thing as right and wrong? Or is it just a made up construct? Some people live their whole lives feeling judged by everyone. It starts with your parents and then friends and then people that we our so called loved by. Most of the time these people were judge themselves and have formulated a set of rules and guidelines that they follow and try to project it on other people. You know what I say about those rules? Screw your rules. They don’t apply to me or anyone else.
Unfortunately, the biggest offender of these so called rules are people’s parents. We hold these people on such a high pedestal. And give them the power to be able to control and manipulate us. But who are they really? All they have done for you is give your body life. They had nothing to do with your soul. One of my major guidelines in life is that I respect people that respect me. I don’t care who you are if you do not give me respect, I will not respect you and you will be no one to me. Also understand this…There is only one person in this world that can hurt you, and that person is you. You decide whether words and actions can penetrate into your soul. Why would you allow a person that is hurt to project their feelings on you? It does not make sense.